Pilates Pedagogy Inaugural Event

Pilates Pedagogy’s WHY!

Have you ever wanted to attend a small intimate education weekend where you get complete hands-on, new guidance, mentoring, an in-depth higher level learning in an environment that is completely comfortable, surrounded by beauty, enjoying nutrient dense food, and each other's company? Take daily hikes and enjoy a different mode of movement methodology for your own body, while honing in on your Pilates skills. I have always wanted that, so I decided it was time to create it!

Reinventing ourselves and continuing to define who we want to be as teachers is an ongoing journey. Whether you have two years of experience or 20+, continuing to redefine what’s important, keeping up with your education journey, and staying grounded in your body are key ingredients to give you the longevity needed to teach in the Pilates world.

This year marks my 23rd year of being in the Pilates industry and teaching. It has been a long, sometimes incredibly hard road. I started my journey with the lovely and beautifully talented Colleen Glenn. Colleen instilled in me at an early age the importance of always learning, and continuing to reach for a higher level of self, not allowing others to ever get in your way or detour you. I am not sure looking back she knew she did that, but it paved the way for an incredible path that I’ve had the privilege to take. Over the course of the last 23 years I have done 3 comprehensive programs, yes, I said 3, they were all classical, and all exactly what I needed at the time. I have gone through 2 rigorous teacher training/lead trainer auditing programs to become a teacher of teachers myself. I have gone through 2 different business coaching programs and countless conferences, continuing education workshops, and other specialty training. This journey has kept me engaged, excited, and continuously making lifelong friends. I have had the pleasure of being able to take from many of Joe Pilates’ students/teachers, and quite frankly some of the best teachers in the industry. I’ve been lucky! Some of the education I’ve done was knock your socks off fantastic, others, flat with little to know insight, engagement or practical application. However, all have been a learning experience I am grateful for. I am often quoted in articles talking about why I love Pilates so much, and after all this time and experience the answer has not changed, it taught, and continues, to teach me what I am made of from the inside out, in every way.

In addition to my extensive education, I have built, opened, operated (and sold!) 3 studios in the last two decades. I’d like to share some of what I’ve learned and help others find longevity in their own life-sustaining career. I was talking to a friend and colleague about my new destination education weekend at Heirloom Springs, Pilates Pedagogy, and she asked me ~ This all sounds great, but how are you going to help me build mental longevity in my field? This question got me thinking and inspired this blog.

What do we need in our industry that isn’t already there? I want to build something that would first and foremost focus on the teacher (rather than the client) and nourish those that attend from the inside out. You must help yourself before you can help others. What does the flight attendant always say during the safety protocols? To put your oxygen mask on first, before assisting others. We talk about self care in terms of working out, eating right, getting enough sleep, watching alcohol or caffeine, etc. etc. but what about that mental longevity? How often do you as a teacher, studio owner, program director, or all of the above, stop and consider how you will access that oxygen mask? And how will you help those around you? The answer is obviously different for everyone. So what provides mental longevity? Higher level thinking with critical analysis, challenge the brain to learn new things, take chances, reflect, review and execute a plan to move forward. Education. A fresh perspective or paradigm shift to change your approach. I believe you can teach an old dog new tricks.

The way I have set up the weekend here at Heirloom Springs is to use the natural surroundings of the forest to take a digital detox, enjoy nutrient dense food, have an intimate setting, and relax enough to take a deep dive into what makes each of us uniquely wonderful teachers. Over the course of our 4 day weekend, you will experience 3 presenters with a theme surrounding the Pilates holy trilogy: body, mind, and spirit. I have chosen three other presenters who will help us down this journey; Alycea Ungaro will present on the body, Morgan Bolton will present on the mind, I will present on the spirit, and Grace Ranson will tie the links together in our yoga and hiking sessions. You can see the schedule and read more about our guest presenters on our Pilates Pedagogy page.

My hope is to wake up what is already inside you and sharpen those tools. Each day will start with a mat class that is in line with the presenter’s theme for that day. Each presenter will do 3-6 hours of workshops on their chosen theme. Then we will end each day with a nature hike and yoga class in the forest to calm the mind and allow our bodies to reflect on the day. We often teach our students what we need, how often do you get done teaching a session and think to yourself, damn, I really need that session for myself! So why not start there? The goal is to go deeper into what we need individually, bring about a renewal, and translate that into our teaching.


EINSTEIN AND PILATES From Alycea Ungaro, February 2023

