My event manager brought an old school film camera to Herbalism… she got some pretty cool shots!

Sweet Summertime!

WHEW – Everyone has been busy on the farm this month. My new baby chicks are growing like weeds, the goats are learning new ways to escape their enclosure (naughty!), and my mom came to stay for a nice long visit. 

The month started with a bang. Heirloom Springs hosted a new retreat: Herbalism in the Blue Ridge with the fabulous herbalist Kat Maier. I was anxious about offering something new, but my retreat manager always reminds me that as long as it's something I want to attend,  I'm on the right track. And boy, was I excited for that weekend! It exceeded even my expectations. I got to teach and learn with my mentor, ate delicious seasonal meals, and relished in the community of women that bonds us here on our retreat weekends at HS. It really was something special.

The gardens are busting at the seams and are so gorgeous this time of year! We blazed through strawberry season straight into stone fruit season. The plums and peaches are almost more than I can keep up with, which is a fantastic problem to have! Pies, galettes, jams, syrups, and cordials, oh my. Tomatoes are still green but proliferating, and I've been waiting for a tomato sandwich since last year. It's delicious! 

I'm taking a pause on offering Pilates classes but will return in the fall. If you want to see me privately, in person or virtually, shoot me an email. 

Happy summer y'all! 



Explore the Wonder and Medicine of the Blue Ridge Mountains